Shop Npc Examples

"I sense chemistry here, hehe"
"What can I brew for you?"
"Ready to experiment?"
"Death in a bottle? Health in a bottle? - I should really label them.."
"A fellow alchemist!"
"Don't try this at home!"
"Run! .. oh nevermind!"
"Yes, yes!" (excited)
"Off they go"
"Oh, Goodbye!"
"You won't experiment without me, will you?"
"Stay, it's perfectly safe!"
"Now, where did I put those bat wings?"
- - curious, very active, playful, very clever, positive
- - cute and quirky, not cranky, slightly flakey
"I sense chemistry here, hehe"
"What can I brew for you?"
"Ready to experiment?"
"Death in a bottle? Health in a bottle? - I should really label them.."
"A fellow alchemist!"
"Don't try this at home!"
"Run! .. oh nevermind!"
"Yes, yes!" (excited)
"Off they go"
"Oh, Goodbye!"
"You won't experiment without me, will you?"
"Stay, it's perfectly safe!"
"Now, where did I put those bat wings?"

Vanity Merchant
"Dress to impress, express or as empress!"
"Exotic goods for an acquired taste!"
"Look at these marvels!"
"Welcome, WELCOME!"
"Enter the store of wonders!"
"Marvelloneous choice!"
"Prettyful, isn't it?"
"Oh, lovely!"
"It's always worth having a look!"
"Dazzle them!"
"Stay golden!"
"Open all day!"
"Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.. Wait, I have that somewhere!"
- - very expressive, exclusive and funny guy with colourful outfit and gesture
- - eccentric
"Dress to impress, express or as empress!"
"Exotic goods for an acquired taste!"
"Look at these marvels!"
"Welcome, WELCOME!"
"Enter the store of wonders!"
"Marvelloneous choice!"
"Prettyful, isn't it?"
"Oh, lovely!"
"It's always worth having a look!"
"Dazzle them!"
"Stay golden!"
"Open all day!"
"Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.. Wait, I have that somewhere!"
Boss Mobs Examples |

Demon Sorcerer Boss
Attitude: Thinks the demonic race is superior to the human race and the human race is totally meaningless.
"Another realm, another hero…So brave, so strong, so inconsequential."
"What dares defy me? How many must I cull before they learn their place?"
"How many must I cull before they learn their place"
"Choosing death so freely?"
"Such futile rebellion"
"Why run, if the end is inevitable?"
"They fight, they run, they serve"
"Not many lived to see me inconvenienced"
"Remarkable, you shall be my personal servant"
"An unforeseen turn, yet your subjugation is inevitable."
"Unexpected, yet your subjugation is inevitable"
"Savour your victory, for it may be the last"
Attitude: Thinks the demonic race is superior to the human race and the human race is totally meaningless.
"Another realm, another hero…So brave, so strong, so inconsequential."
"What dares defy me? How many must I cull before they learn their place?"
"How many must I cull before they learn their place"
"Choosing death so freely?"
"Such futile rebellion"
"Why run, if the end is inevitable?"
"They fight, they run, they serve"
"Not many lived to see me inconvenienced"
"Remarkable, you shall be my personal servant"
"An unforeseen turn, yet your subjugation is inevitable."
"Unexpected, yet your subjugation is inevitable"
"Savour your victory, for it may be the last"

Avalonian Priest
Attitude: When the players approach her, she can see right through the darkness within them, as well as their impure intentions to use the grail energy for no good. Her intention is to guide them back on the right path.
"Walk the path of light, my children."
"Embrace the light!"
"The sanctity of the grail shall guide thee."
"Only the pure shall know eternity."
Heal Spell:
"Light of Avalon, balm of the world."
"Sanctuary of Avalon."
"Protection of Avalon."
Empower Beam:
"My children, thy strength is the soul of Avalon!"
"Let not these chaotic beings disturb thy mind."
"Inviolate chaos shall be brought to order!"
"Children of the grail, let its light guide thee."
"Canst thou feel the imbalance?"
"The scales tip toward chaos. This shall not last."
Attitude: When the players approach her, she can see right through the darkness within them, as well as their impure intentions to use the grail energy for no good. Her intention is to guide them back on the right path.
"Walk the path of light, my children."
"Embrace the light!"
"The sanctity of the grail shall guide thee."
"Only the pure shall know eternity."
Heal Spell:
"Light of Avalon, balm of the world."
"Sanctuary of Avalon."
"Protection of Avalon."
Empower Beam:
"My children, thy strength is the soul of Avalon!"
"Let not these chaotic beings disturb thy mind."
"Inviolate chaos shall be brought to order!"
"Children of the grail, let its light guide thee."
"Canst thou feel the imbalance?"
"The scales tip toward chaos. This shall not last."